documentation, science, light,

Chamber Tests - Who loves generative projection on smoke and mirrors?

Lina Lopes Lina Lopes Follow Dec 13, 2020 · 1 min read
Chamber Tests - Who loves generative projection on smoke and mirrors?
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Chamber Tests - Who loves generative projection on smoke and mirrors?

We initially experimented with steam as our projection surface for this prototype. However, due to our system’s small scale, we found using a theater smoke machine more effective to create a more immersive environment.

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This idea was heavily embraced by our former partner, Luis Leão, known for being my partner in visual experimentation with videomapping and lights.

We got inspired to explore the possibility of creating an immersive cloud chamber (a particle detector used to visualize the passage of ions).

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This technique, combined with generative projection on smoke and mirrors, allowed us to create a truly unique and engaging visual experience.

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Lina Lopes
Written by Lina Lopes
Hi, I'm Lina, a prompt engineer, consultant, and artist. I'm also known as the mother of Diana. My interests lie in the radical imagination of science, technology, and art.